Precision Dance Camp

Energy Dance Co. Writer

25 April 2018

Precision Dance Camp

Take your dance to the next level!

Join us for Precision Dance Camp

Saturday June 16th @ Energy Dance Company

$50 – 10am-4pm (lunch included)


Precision Dance Camp has become one of our summer traditions and fits in perfectly with our studio’s teaching philosophy and values. Every year is wildly successful and offers a great experience for our dancers. It really is the perfect way to kick off a great summer. Participants will receive expert instruction from 16-time National Champion BYU Cougarette and Utah Valley Dance team members and teachers. They offer cutting-edge dance instruction to inspire our dancers to perform at the next level.

Precision Studio Camp Curriculum is created by Morgan Smith St. Pierre. She’s known for her teaching ability and phenomenal choreography. Morgan designs each camp curriculum specifically for the dancers at that camp.

Our camp is open to the public – invite your friends and family to get in on this. We hope to see you there!


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