Summer Dance
Energy Dance Co. Writer
15 April 2019
PRE-REGISTRATION for SUMMER DANCE is NOW OPEN for current members!
Registration for Summer Dance will open to the public on April 15th 2019. Since classes will fill up, we wanted to give you the first opportunity to pick your classes!
If you are planning on joining our 2019-2020 Intensive Team: DO NOT register for classes, register for Auditions instead and we will give you your class schedule upon team placement.
Six-week Session runs June 11th– July 25th (No classes July 4th or July 24th).
- Classes start at $60 for 1hr/wk (for six weeks).
- All dancers participate in the Ogden Pioneer Days Parade on July 24th.
- Current students do not pay a membership fee. You will pay $10 for your parade top. (Parade top is included in membership fee for new students)
- If you are planning on joining our Intensive Team: do not register for Summer Dance, register for Auditions instead. You will get an assigned class schedule upon team placement.
- *If you do not see the class that you are looking for, please email chalee@energydanceco.com.
**Please note: Intensive Team age and ability levels are APPROXIMATE, and will be finalized after team placements.
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